Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Story about The Lion and the Mouse.

The Lion and the Mouse.

Once when a Lion was asleep, a little Mouse began running up and down upon him. This soon wakened the Lion, who placed his huge paw upon him and opened his big jaws to swallow him. "Pardon, O king!" cried the little mouse, "Forgive me this time. I shall never repeat it and I shall never forget your kindness. And who knows, but I may be able to do you a good turn one of these days?" The Lion was so tickled at the idea of the Mouse being able to help him, that he lifted up his paw and let him go.

Sometime later a few hunters captured the King Lion and tied him to a tree. They went in search of a wagon to carry him on. Just then the little Mouse happened to pass by, and seeing the sad plight in which the Lion was, ran up to him and soon gnawed away the ropes that bound the King of the Beasts. "Was I not right?" said the little Mouse, very happy to help the lion.

Little friends may prove great friends.

Monday, February 27, 2023

Little Bo-peep.

 Little Bo-peep.

Little Bo-Peep has lost her sheep,

And can't tell where to find them;

Leave them alone, and they'll

come home,

Bringing their tails behind them. 

Little Bo-Peep fell fast asleep,

And dreamt she heard them 


But when she awoke, she found it

a joke,

For they were still all fleeting.

Then up she took her little crook,

Determined for to find them;

She found them indeed, but it

made her heart bleed,

For they'd left their tails behind


It happened one day, as Bo-Peep

did stray

Into a meadow hard by,

There she espied their tails, side

by side,

All hung on a tree to dry.

She heaved a sigh and wiped her


And over the hillocks she raced;

And tried what she could, as a

shepherdess should,

That each tail be properly placed.

Saturday, February 25, 2023

Paragraph on My pet.

 My pet.

I have a pet dog named Bobo and he is three years old. He belongs to the Dobermann Pinscher breed. He is black in colour. He loves playing with the ball and the of us spend a lot of time. He also accompanies me in my morning walks. He is very obedient and takes my instructions without any complaints. The sight of any stranger brings out the soldier in him and he starts barking ferociously, to scare him away. 

Bobo has wonderful toilet habits and loves to be bathed and groomed regularly. He normally eats vegetarian food and once a week, I feed him meat. He also relishes bread, biscuits and cakes. Bobo's presence has added meaning to my life. He has not only given me a friend to be cared by and to care for, but also has made me a more responsible and mature individual.

Thursday, February 23, 2023

Essay on My ambition in life.

 My ambition in life.

Every person has his own dream or ambition in life. Someone wants to become a soldier, someone a doctor, some an engineer or a politician and so on. Some others aspire for the careers of authors, actors or singers. But my ambition is to become a police officer in my future life. In the drill class in my school, I was very serious, and always tried to follow and learn the rules of parade as perfectly as possible because I wanted to become a member of the police force. A police officer, as far as I know, has to be disciplined, honest and maintain the law and order in the society. 

He is also expected to possess an attitude of help and rescue towards the deserving cases with a selfless mind. When I grow and become a police officer, my motto will be to serve the society with an impartial attitude by saving the distressed persons and punishing the culprits. I will definitely try to infuse the sense of duty and essence of discipline into the minds of the common man in the society. I promise not to misuse my power and soil my hands with the dust of corruption. I shall obey my superiors and give protection to my subordinate staff. That is how I shall try to prove my self as a perfect police officer. My father is a senior officer in the police force. He is and ideal example before my eyes. I want to follow his footsteps in my future life. 

Monday, February 20, 2023

Short story on- The Two Goats.

 The Two Goats.

Over a river there was a vary narrow bridge. One day a goat was crossing this bridge. Just at the middle of the bridge he met another goat. There was no room for them to pass. "Go back," said one goat to the other, "there is no room for both of us". "Why should I go back?", said the other goat. "Why should not you go back?" "You must go back", said the first goat, "because I am stronger than you." "You must go back", said the first goat, "You are not stronger than I', said the second goat.

"We will see about that', said the first goat, and he put down his horns to fight. "Stop!", said the second goat. "If we fight, we shall both fall into the river and be drowned. Instead I have a plan- I shall lie down, and you may walk over me. "Then the wise goat lay down on the bridge, and the other goat walked lightly over him. So they passed each other, and went on their ways.

At the Zoo.

 At the Zoo.

First I saw the white bear,

then I saw the black;

Then I saw the camel with

a hump upon his back;

Then I saw the grey wolf, with

mutton in his maw;

Then I saw the wombat waddle in

the straw;

Then I saw the elephant a-waving of

his trunk;

Then I saw the monkeys-mercy, how 

unpleasantly they-smelt!

Friday, February 17, 2023

Essay on Trees are our friends.

 Trees are our friends.

Trees are our friends as they take care of us by giving many of our regular needs. Leaves, fruits, flowers and sometimes the bank and the roots act as a main source of our nutrition food and medicines as well. Tree trunk or timber supplies material for putting up building and manufacture of furniture. It also supplies energy for cooking, heating etc, trees purify our environment and greenery soothes our eyes, imagine spending an evening laying under a tree with branches right sound, the aromatic breeze, the singing of birds seeking shelter in the tree will put you to sleep in no time.

Short essay about THE IMPORTANCE OF WATER.

 The importance of water.

Water is essential for living. We may be able to survive without food for a day or two but without water it is impossible. Water is needed for various purposes. Although drinking comes first, washing, bathing other house hold activities, gardening, farming are of no less importance. It's not only people but all living beings need water for their survival. But the question is whether we have realised the importance of water. It's unnecessary wastage proves that the answer is negative.

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Essay about Threat to forests.

 Threat to forests.

Forests have been endangered in many ways. Continuous climatic changes have become a series threat to forests causing severe damages. Increasing heat of the atmosphere has resulted in a scarcity of water in forest. This has made forests more vulnerable to insects and pests.

The warming of the atmosphere also paves the way to wild fires. Wild fires destroy large areas of forest cover sending out a lot of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Lots of forests areas obviously reduces the capacity to absorb carbon dioxide and badly affects the forest productivity.

Various human activities, too, have threatened the existence of forests. Traditional farming methods, like Chena cultivation, expanding of villages and farm land, and clearing forests for development projects have reduced the forest cover. 

If we do not take effective measures to conserve forest areas, there will only be grasslands instead of forests.

Essay on Dr.C.W.W.Kannangara.

 Dr. C.W.W. Kannangara.

Dr. C.W.W. Kannangara was born on the 13th October, 1884 in Ambalangoda. He studied at Weslyan English High school and Richmond College in Galle. He was an excellent all round student but he had to undergo many difficulties at his young age. He served as a teacher first and became a lawyer in 1910. He entered politics in 1919 and he was the first Minister of  Education in Sri Lanka. He introduced free education for all and started central schools. He served 16 year period as the Minister of Education and there was a remarkable progress in the field. He passed away on the 23rd September 1969 in Colombo. He's known as the "Father of free Education".πŸ““πŸ““πŸ“˜πŸ“πŸ“–πŸ’―πŸ•€

Saturday, February 11, 2023

Sentences on MY COUNTRY (Sri Lanka).

Our country.

  • The name of our country is Sri Lanka.
  • It is a beautiful island in the Indian Ocean.
  • It is so beautiful that it is called the pearl of the Indian Ocean.
  • Its nearest neighbour is India.
  • Sri Lanka has a hot, wet climate.
  • The average temperature is 29 C.
  • The population is more than 18 millions.
  • There are many rivers, mountains and water falls here.
  • Farming and fishing are the chief occupations.
  • Tea, rubber, coconut products, textiles, spices and gems are exported to other countries.
  • Tea is the main foreign exchange earner.
  • Sri Lankan tea is famous all over the world.
  • Sri Lanka is proud of its sandy beaches and other tourist attractions.

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Sentences on Right use of leisure.

 Right use of leisure.

  • An idle mind is the devil's workshop.
  • So we should not waste our precious time in idling.
  • We should derive pleasure and profit from our leisure time activity.
  • We could spend our leisure in reading, stamp collecting, making fancy things out of clay and wood.
  • We could even make beautiful chains and ornaments out of shells and seeds.
  • We can sell them to tourists and earn money.
  • Gardening, painting, bird watching and nature study are other useful leisure time activities.
  • Every hobby has much value and can be useful to us.

Sentences on MY HOBBY (reading).

 My hobby (reading).

  • My hobby is reading.
  • I love reading books and news papers.
  • I read English and Tamil books.
  • I enjoy reading articles in the children's corner of the Sunday observer.
  • I borrow books from the library.
  • Sometimes my father buys me books.
  • He buys me Chandamama and Gokulam.
  • I have a good collection of children's books.
  • I exchange them with my friends.
  • Books are our silent companions.
  • My hobby is very useful.
  • Day by day I improve my knowledge by reading.
  • Reading makes a full man.

Sentences on MY HOBBY [collecting stamps]

My hobby ( collecting stamps ).

My hobby is collecting stamps.It is a very interesting and useful hobby.I have a big album for my stamps.I have about a thousand stamps.Some are Sri Lankan stamps.Others are foreign stamps.I collect stamps in various ways.My father works in a bank.He often brings me foreign stamps.My pen friends too send me stamps.I also exchange stamps with my friends.I am able to know many important facts from stamps.I come to know about the history, geography, culture and currency of a country from its stamps.So it is a very useful hobby.✉πŸ“‹πŸ’²

Tuesday, February 7, 2023

Essay on Important of a teacher.

 Important of a teacher.

Education should be a part of everyone's life. A good education offers something for everyone. Whether it is in simple level or more complex. One education should help student of creat a strong sence of confidence in them. A teacher will be one factor that helps a student to learn and progress their way through life. Teachers combine their own ideas with other people to be able to give a good education to their students.


Short essay about MY VILLAGE.

My village.

My village is Bandarawela. It is in Badulla district. The people of my village mostly like farming and animal husbandry. My village has many temples, a good hospital, many schools, post office etc...... My village has good facilities of electricity water, road etc..... Every resident of my village is educated and aware. There is greenery all around in my village. My village is a pollution-free village far away from the noise. I am proud of my village.πŸ’šπŸŒ³πŸŒ»πŸƒπŸƒ

Sunday, February 5, 2023

Essay about MY COUNTRY.


My country is Sri Lanka. It is a small island in the Indian Ocean. This is an agricultural country. Most of the people are farmers. Sri Jayavardanapura Kotte is the capital of Sri Lanka. The population of my country is about twenty million. There are several communities in Sri Lanka. They are the Sinhalese, the Tamils, the Muslims and the Burghers.

Piduruthalagala is the highest mountain and Mahaweli is the longest river in Sri Lanka. We gained independence in 1948. My country is a Republic today. Our national anthem is "Sri Lanka Matha". The official languages in Sri Lanka are Sinhala,Tamil and English.

Our national flag is called the Lion Flag. Our national flower is the Blue water lily, our national tree is the Na tree, the national bird is the Jungle Fowl, the national animal is the Giant Squirrel and our national sport is Volley ball. But Sri Lanka is famous for cricket. The world's best team comes from Sri Lanka.

There are many tourist attractions in my country. Waterfalls, sanctuaries, botanical gardens and sandy beaches are some of them. I love my country very much.πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’¦

Saturday, February 4, 2023

A festival we celebrate SHORT ESSAY.

 A festival we celebrate.

Every year on 25th of December we celebrate Christmas in a grand scale. On this day we celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. Christmas is celebrated by the Christians all over the world. People decorate their Christmas trees and their houses with paper streamers, balloons and lights. And they go to church for the mid night mass. The day before Christmas is celebrated as Christmas Eve. The Christmas carols visits the houses and gives the presents to the little once during this period.πŸ’₯πŸ’πŸ’–πŸ’«πŸ’«πŸ’«

Friday, February 3, 2023

Short essay about MY FAVOURITE BOOK.


I am fond of reading books. I have read many books. I have also read holy books such as the Ramayana, the Mahabharata and the story of Gautama, the Buddha. But the Bhagwat Gita has influenced me the most.

The Bhagwat Gita is a message to the human soul. The Bhagwat Gita contains 700 hymns. This book is not meant for any particular religion. It is written for all the human beings. It advises people to give up the evil path and follow the path of goodness.The Bhagwat Gita has changed my life. I try to follow the path shown in this great book.πŸ’œπŸ’›πŸ˜œ

Thursday, February 2, 2023

Essay about OUR SPORTS MEET.

Our sports meet.

We had our inter-house sports meet on 18th of April. Many past pupils, parents and guest attended the meet. The chief guest was the Special Commissioner of the Jaffna municipal council Mr.V.P.Balasingam.

All three houses named Bharathi, Elango and Valluvan, took part in the sports meet. I am in the Valluvan house. We practised for two weeks. The house captains and teachers helped us. The teacher in-charge of our house is Mrs.V.Susila. 

Our house won the sports trophy. We got the first in most of the track events. After all the track events there was a drill display by grade six and eight students. All the visitors admired it. At last the Commissioner gave away the certificates to the winners. Our sports meet was a great success. It was a happy day for all of us.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

How I help my parents ESSAY.

How I help my parents.

I feel proud of any help I do for my parents. In the morning I get ready for school. I water the plants on every Sunday. I also lock the main entrance door and Garage every day. I clean my clothes sometimes when my parents remain busy I serve a glass of water and other little things, which my parents need. I also serve the guests with my mummy. Usually, I prepare Salad at lunchtime. Some times I also cook omelet for my parents. Recently I painted the metal door and gate of the lawn with my father. For housekeeping purposes, I created a large box to keep our bed sheet, pillows, blanker, etc. I take down all the washed clothes from the sunshine. I broom the room and clean the room floor.

I massage our parents when they feel tired. In shopping for grocery I carry the shopping baskets. In the hospital, I stand in the queue instead of my parents. Above all, I obey my parents at all times and responds to their orders as quickly as possible. I do not make a fuss about their orders. I leave my all works If I found them tired for helping them. I respect and obey my parent's rules. I never lie to them. I do anything with pride for my parents to make them feel proud. πŸ˜πŸ’›πŸ‘§

Short essay about The Cow.

  The Cow. The cow is a domestic animal. It feeds only on plants. Therefore it belongs to the herbivore family. The cow gives us milk. We dr...