Friday, April 28, 2023

Don't Look Up!: Loss of humanity in the capitalist system.

Don't Look Up!: Loss of humanity in the capitalist system.
Don't look up is a 2021 satirical disaster film directed by Adam McKay. The film features an ensemble cast, include Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lawrence, Meryl Streep, and Jonah Hill, among others. The story follows two astronomers, played by DiCaprio and Lawrence, who discover a comet heading towards Earth that will likely cause a global catastrophe. Despite their efforts to warn the world, they face apathy, disbelief, and even ridicule from politicians, the media, and the public. As the comet approaches, chaos and madness ensue, leading to a dramatic finale. 

"Don't Look Up" is a scathing commentary on the state of society, particularly on how we deal with crises and our tendency to prioritise short-term gains over long-term consequence. The film is both hilarious and terrifying, with sharp writing and excellent performances from entire cast. One of the film's strength is its ability to balance comedy and drama. Despite the serious subject matter, the film maintains a satirical tone throughout, with moments of dark humour that entertain and challenge the audience.

The film's critique of the media and politics is especially noteworthy, as it highlights the absurdity of our current political climate and the role of the media in shaping public opinion. However, some viewers may find the film's message heavy-handed, and the satire may not resonate with everyone. Additionally, the film's pacing can be slow at times, and some of the characters are underdeveloped, making it difficult to connect with them emotionally.

Scathing critique.
From the perspective of the loss of humanity in the capitalist system, "Don't Look Up" serves as a scathing critique of the ways in which capitalism can often prioritise short-term profits over the long-term well-being of humanity. The film portrays a world in which corporations and politicians are more concerned with maintainig their profits and power than with saving the planet from a catastrophic comet. The media, too, is portrayed as complicit in this system, as they prioritise sensationalism and ratings over reporting the truth. pppIn this context, the loss of humanity is evident in the way that the characters in the film are dehumanised and reduced to mere commodities. The public, for example, is depicted as mindlessly consuming the latest trends and products, while politicians and corporations view human lives as expendable in their pursuit of profit.

The film's message is clear: the capitalist system, with its emphasis on profit and growth, can lead to a loss of humanity and a disregard for the planet and future generations. However, the film also suggests that it's not too late to change course, and that we can still take action to save ourselves and the planet. Overall, "Don't Look Up" is a powerful commentary on the dangers of unchecked capitalism and a reminder thet we need to prioritise humanity and the environment over profits and power. The film's portrayal of a world on the brink of disaster serves as a warning of that could happen if we continue down our current path, and a call to action to create a more just and sustainable future.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

Leonardo DiCaprio.

 A talented actor and environmental activist.

Leonardo DiCaprio is one of the most famous and talented actors in the world. Born on November 11, 1974, in Los Angeles, California, he stared his career a ta young age and quickly rose to fame with his exceptional acting skills. 

Early life.

DiCaprio's parents divorced when he was only a year old, and he lived with his mother in Los Angeles. He developed a passion for acting at a young age and started appearing in commercials and TV shows. His breakthrough role came in 1993, when he started in the film "This Boy's Life" alongside Robert De Niro. DiCaprio's career skyrocketed in 1997 when he starred in the blockbuster film "Titanic", which became one of the highest-grossing movies all of time. He earned his first Academy Award nomination for his performance in "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" in 1993 and has since received five more nominations, winning the Best Actor award for his role in "The Reverent" in 2016.

Environmental activism.

DiCaprio is also a passionate environmental activist. He founded the Leonardo DiCaprio foundation in 1998 to support environmental causes, including wildlife and ocean conservation, climate change, and renewable energy. DiCaprio is also an advocate for clean energy and has served as a United Nations Messenger of Peace on Climate Change since 2014. He has spoken at numerous international conferences on the subject of climate change and has produced several documentaries on the topic, including"The 11th Hour" and "Before the Flood" 

Acting career.

DiCaprio earned Golden Globe nominations for his performances in the biopic "The Aviator" (2004), the political thriller "Blood Diamond" (2006), the crime drama "The Departed" (2006) and the romantic drama "Revolutionary Road" (2008). In the 2010s, he made environmental documentaries and starred in several high-profile directors' successful projects, including the action thriller "Inception" (2010), the western "Django Unchained" (2012), the biopic "The Wolf of Wall street" (2013), the survival drama "The Reverent" (2015) - for which he won the Academy Award for Best Actor and the comedy-drama "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" (2019).

DiCaprio is the founder of Appian Way productions- a production company that has made some of his films and the documentary series "Greensburg" (2008-2010) and the Leonardo DiCaprio foundation, a non-profit organisation devoted tp promoting environmental awareness. A United nations Messenger of Peace, he regularly supports charitable causes. In 2005, he was named a Commander of the Ordre des arts et des Letters for his contributions to the arts, and in 2016, he appeared in "Time" magazine's 100 most influential people in the world. DiCaprio was voted one of the 50 greatest actors of all time in a 2022 reader's poll by 'Empir'.

Personal life.

Despite his fame, DiCaprio is known for being very private about his personal life. He has had a string of high-profile relationships with models and actresses, but he has never been married. He has also been very vocal about his support for the LGBTQ+ community and has used his platform to raise awareness and funds for HIV/AIDS research.

Essay on Anuradhapura City.


Anuradhapura is an ancient city in Sri Lanka. It is in the North Central Province and is the capital of this province. This was the first kingdom in Sri Lanka and was ruled by many kings. There are a number of religious and historical places in Anuradhapura. The Jaya Sri Maha Bodhiya and Ruwanwelisaya are two major religious in Anuradhapura.

Many wewas (reservoirs or tanks) provide splendid views in Anuradhapura. They are very deep. Tanks irrigate fields and vegetation in the area. Local and Foreign tourists visit these places daily. The twin ponds and other statues are very famous in Sri Lanka. This is one of the world heritage sites in our country, because of these historical places. Let's protect this ancient city for years and years.

Essay about Sinhala and Tamil New Year.

 The Sinhala and Tamil New Year

(Aluth Avurudda)

New Year falls on of April also known as Bak in Sinhala.

The blossoming of the red erabudu mal and the cry of the koha (Sri Lankan cuckoo) herald the Aluth Avurudda.

The Aluth Avurudda dawns when the Sun transits from the House of Pisces (Meena rashiya) to the House Aries (Mesha rashiya).

The first activity of the Aluth Avurudda is the lighting of the hearth and this is followed by many other traditions in Sinhala and Tamil households.

Short essay about "My Father".

 My Father.

Fathers are one of the most important and special persons in everybody's life. He is often considered as the most precious gift from God. My father always strives to keep me safe. He is not only a parent, but also a friend, guide mentor and a teacher. My father is the pillar of our family and also my inspiration.

Saturday, April 15, 2023

Essay about Holi festival.

 Why is Holi celebrated?

Holi gets its name from Holika, demon king Hiranyakasyap's sister. Hiranyakashyap had got a boon from Lord Vishnu that he would not be killed by man or animal, at day or night, inside or outside, above or on the ground. So Hiranyakashyap said that only he should be worshipped, not God. His own son, Prahlad continued to worship Lord Vishnu. This made his father angry. He asked Prahlad to jump from a mountain, but remained unhurt. Even when Hiranyakashyap made Prahlad jump into a well, he was unharmed. Hiranyakashyap tried to poison Prahlad. The poison turned to nectarin Prahlad's mouth. Then, Hiranyakashyap ordered that wild elephants should trample Prahlad, but he was not hurt. Next, Prahlad was put in a room with poisonous, angry snakes, but still nothing happened to him. Finally, Hollka made Prahlad sit on a pyre with her. She was protected by a shawl that kept her from being burnt. The shawl flew from her to Prahlad. So, Holika burned, Prahlad was safe. Lord Vishnu appeared as half-man, half-lion and killed Hiranyakashyap at dusk, on his porch steps.

A Holika bonfire is lit every year to remind us of the victory of good over evil. Holi is celebrated on the day after the bonfire. Colombo Expats Cultural Association (CECA), Sri Lanka, a multinational community comprising member from India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal, organised and celebrated the festival of colours- Holi at Vivanta Colombo, Airport Garden recently. Holi is a prominent Hindu festival that is celebrated as the festival of colours, Love and Welcoming the spring. The celebration was presided by Ankuran Dutta, Director of ICCR (High Commission of India). Along with the President of CECA, Capt. Anirban Banerjee, the Association mentors Ranjan Chakarawarthy and Sanjay Baid were also present. The festival brought about 250 families together in celebration. CECA has been very actively involved in sharing the cultural experiences of the subcontinent and showcasing the history of these events.

Friday, April 14, 2023

Essay about "True friendship".

 True Friendship.

Once, there were two friends; a rabbit and a puppy. They used to play and have fun together. The rabbit was very sporty and always won the game. The puppy used to feel bad and thought that he was of no use. One day, it started raining heavily. The rabbit hopped into his burrow and it filled with water very badly. He tried to jump as hard as he could, but couldn't come up from the water.

He called to his friend, the puppy for help. The puppy came to his friend's rescue quickly. The rabbit climbed on its back and reached a safe place. The rabbit thanked his friend, the puppy for saving his life. The moral of the story is, everyone is unique in his own way. So, have confidence in yourself.


Thursday, April 13, 2023

Essay about "How I spent my holidays".

 How I spent my holidays.

Yesterday, I went to school. At assembly, they informed us that there will be holidays. I was so happy. The beginning of my holiday was amazing. Do you know why? It is because, we went to the beach. My sister and I made sand castles. We swam and had a rest. Mom and dad liked the beach so we spent two days at the beach. When it got dark it was time to have dinner. 

We ate sea food. After having our dinner a security guard came towards us and showed us our rooms. We had a shower. Then we slept. The next morning, we woke up early, wore our swimming suits, had our breakfast and went to the sea. It was the last day of my holiday. We went home. It was one of my best holidays ever.

Essay about "The hunted house".

 Welcome to the haunted house.

Step in through the rusty gates, Be quit as a mouse. We are going to sneak, and take a peek, Inside the haunted house.

Upstairs in the dusty bedrooms, Skeletons are getting dressed. Vampires brush their hair and teeth, All spooks must look their best.

An empty suit of shiny armour, Is clanking loudly down the hall To a party in the ballroom, It's spook's secret ball.

So while the party is i  full swing, Be quit as a mouse. Tiptoe out while you still can, Escape the haunted house.

Essay on "Our sports meet".

 Our sports meet.

Our sports meet was held recently. It was full of fun and excitement. The entire playground was decorated with flags and houses. Many boys and girls took part in the events. The games included races, jumps and other track events. I took part in the body balancing event. Our chief guests were our College Principal and the Chief Inspector of Police. The event came to a closes with the distribution of prizes which were given away by our chief guests. I enjoyed my sports meet very much.

Poem on 'Mom".


Is not just a word,

It's an emotion whose

Love and care never ends.

You're the sunshine to

fight my life

The only thing I want

to say to you

And no matter what you 

Will always be my best friend,

I will love you forever.

Mom, I love you.

Essay on "My future goal is to".

 My future goal is to

(The job I like most).

The job I like most is nursing. I like to be a nurse one day. There are several reasons as to why I like this job. The duties of a nurse include giving the medicines and monitoring the patients and helping the medical experts and doctors in surgeries. A nurse could be a male or a female but they are trained to look after the sick or injured people. The closest person for a patient in hospital is invariably the nurse.

English usage.

 English Usage.

This is a guide to help learners to communicate easily in both speech and writing through a better understanding of the English language.

01. Light - As an uncountable noun 'light' means 'the energy from the Sun, a flame or lamp' I saw a flash of light. As an adjective, 'light' means 'pale or not dark' Emma had blue eyes and light brown hair. 'Light' also means 'not heavy' You can carry this bag. It's fairly light. As a verb 'light' means 'to start to burn or to make something start to burn'. Anoma lit the fire and poured a cup of coffee. 'Lighten' means' to reduce the amount of work, worry or debt'. We'll hire another person to lighten your workload. If you are 'light-fingered', you are likely to steal things. 'Light-hearted' means 'not serious'.

02. Like - 'Like' is acceptable as a prepositional adverb. You are behaving like a child. Pronouns follwing 'like' are in the accustive case. They are just like you and me. As a verb 'like' means ' to enjoy something or think that it is nice or good', I like your short story. We really liked the film. In speech we use 'if you like' to suggest or offer something to somebody'. I can give her phone number, if you like. 'Likes and dislikes' are thing sthat someone likes an ddoes not like. We all have oue ow likes and dislikes when it comes to politics.

03. Limit / delimit.- 'Limit' is to stop an amount or number from increasing beyond a particular point. The Government has decided to limit imports of foreign cars. 'Limited' means 'not very great in ammount, number or ability'. There are only a limited number of tikets available. 'Limitless' means 'without a limit or end' There are limitless opportunities for educated youths. 'Delimit' means 'to set or say exactly what the limits of something are'. 

04. Linage / lineage.- 'Linage' is alignment or the number of lines on written or printed matter. 'Lineage' means ' the way in which members of a family are descended from other members'. He come from a family of ancient lineage. 

05. Lineament / liniment- 'Lineament' is a distinctive characteristic or feature of a face or body. 'Liniment' is a liquid preparation for rubbing into the skin especially in the treatment of bruises. 

06. Litany / liturgy- A litany is a ceremonial from of prayer consisting of supplication with responses. 'Liturgy' is a form of public worship, a particular  arrangement of services.

07. Literally - 'Literally' means 'according to the most basic or original meaning of a word or expression'. The name of the cheese is Dolceatte literally meaning 'sweet milk'. 'Literally' is used in speech to emphasise a strong expression or word that is not being used in its real or original meaning.

Monday, April 3, 2023

10 Simple Tips- to prevent spreading the Flu.

 10 Simple Tips 

To Prevent Spreading the Flu in your Tiny Apartment.

01. Make sure the sick person is quarantined. He or she should be taking all medications and following doctor's orders.

02. Consider getting the flu vaccine. Your job or school may offer them free of charge. You can also inquire with your doctor's office or local pharmacy.

03. Wash your hands regularly with soap and water, especially after having contact with the sick person. At the very least, keep travel size bottles of hand sanitiser in each room.

04. Everyone-sick or not-should cover their mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. Other than that, avoid unnecessarily touching your mouth, eyes and nose as these are the areas in which germs most commonly enter the body.

05. Throw tissues away as soon as possible to prevent the spread of germs. Piling them up on the nightstand won't help.

06. If you're caring for someone with the flu, talk to your doctor about available antiviral medications. 

07. If you happen to have more than one bathroom, dedicate one to the sick person and clean it daily to keep germs from spreading. 

08. Open windows if possible to keep the apartment well ventilated. 

09. Wipe down surfaces (table tops, doorknobs, phones and toys) with a good disinfectant multiple times each day.

10. When washing bed linens, avoid "hugging" them to your body as this will lead to contamination. Wash with hot water.

It can take up to two weeks completely get over the flu. Surprisingly, you can be infected, not show any signs yet, and still pass it on to someone else. Visit and CDC. gov for more official tips and advise regarding how to prevent and treat the flu this season.

Golumale disappearing River.

 Golumale disappearing River.

Golumale is a remarkably unique geological formation located within Nuwara Eliya District in the Central Province of Sri Lanka. Situated on a tributary of Uma Oya, it consists of a series of rock pools on the riverbed created by millions of years of erosion. When at the correct water level, you could witness the river disappears swirling into a circular pit, then reappears from another, and goes back to a third pool. Furthermore, there are numerous natural rock carvings and ravines of different shapes and sizes.

To see the rock pools, one must cross the river which serves as the boundary of the Victoria-Randenigala-Rantambe Sanctuary. Unless the water level is really low, this could be a very challenging and daring experience. In addition, you are treading on "elephant's backyard"! Therefore, it is very important that you seek assistance from villagers to avoid any surprises. According to folklore, a treasure has been hidden within a close by cave.


Sunday, April 2, 2023

Opalgala Ella Falls.

 Opalagala Ella Falls.

Height : 2 meters.

District : Matale.

The opalgala waterfall cluster consists of 4 waterfalls.

1 . Opalgala Falls 01

2 . Opalgala Falls 02

3 . Opalgala Falls 03

4 . Opalgala Falls 04

The first fall is approximately 3 meters height and falls on to a deep circular pool. The second waterfall is the largest, with about a 8 meter height. This is also the widest of the cluster. Third fall made of four small drops and the fourth waterfall is approximately 6 meters in height.

These waterfalls are located on the Opalgala River, which falls through Gammaduwa and the rock formation of Kargahatenne. Until the end of the last decade there was a much greater volume of water, but now only when it rains in the fall restored to its former glory.

Saturday, April 1, 2023

History of western music- blog on blogger.

 History of western music.

What is western music?

Western music is defined as music that that originated in a western country, and outlines organised instrumentation and vocal compositions which have a specific Western nationality of origin. Western schools of thought refer primarily to countries in Europe  and North America such as France, Germany, England, Canada, and the United States. In contrast, Eastern schools of thought refer to Asian countries such as China, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Sri Lanka and India. The origin of western music can be traced back to Ancient Greece, which produced the invention of the lyre, the lute, and the poetic character of Orpheus, who could control the laws of nature with his singing. Philosophers such as Plato and his contemporary Aristotle explored the various ways in which music influenced the emotions of the human soul.

Ancient Greece was eventually conquered by the armies of Rome in the first century A.D and many styles of thinking (including music and science) were adopted by the Roman people. The early Roman Empire was the dominant force in Europe until its fall in the fourth and fifth centuries which led to the Medieval Era, also known as the Dark Ages. When considering the history of Western Music, scholars have divided it into five main eras- the Medieval era, the Renaissance era, the Baroque era, the classical era, and the Romantic era.

The medieval era.

The medieval period of music history began around the fall of the Roman empire in 476 AD. It progressed into the sixth century and lasted through the end of the fourteenth century, when it gave way to Renaissance music. Medieval-era music centred around the church. There are four notable Medieval Composers whose works have survived up to date. One was Leonin, a French composer famous for pioneering polyphonic composition, or the simultaneous combination of many tones. 

Perotinous Magnus, better known as Perotin, is remembered by  his works Salvatorishodie and Magnus liber organi. Two other composers, Hildegard von Bingen and Guillaume de Machaut are also known for shaping Medieval music.

The Renaissance era.

The Renaissance era of classical music spans from approximately 1400 to 1600. It saw the growth of polyphonic music, the rise of new instruments, and a plethora of new ideas regarding harmony, rhythm, and music notation. One of the most prominent features of the Renaissance period was increased risk-taking-early Renaissance music, like that of Guillaume Dufay, maintained the harmonic rules of Medieval music from the late Middle Ages. But as new styles emerged over the course of the sixteenth century, Renaissance music began pushing boundaries and introducing moments of dissonance. 

The renaissance period saw a mix of new musical instruments and holdovers from earlier music. Common Renaissance instruments included the harpsichord, clavichord, viol, lute, rebec, lyre, guitar, recorder, cornet, trumpet, trombone (known at the time as sackbut), tambourine, and the transverse flute.

Short essay about The Cow.

  The Cow. The cow is a domestic animal. It feeds only on plants. Therefore it belongs to the herbivore family. The cow gives us milk. We dr...