Saturday, March 11, 2023

Paragraph on My heroine.

 My heroine.

As we know, there are many heroes in this world. Some are created by cartoons and films. Some are in the real world. I have a heroine and I am sure that there is no one like my heroine, because she is my mother. I thank god for selecting me as her one and only child. Though she became a widow, actually I have never seen my father because he lost his life in the last battle against terrorism, before my birth. Even though my father had died, I can see him through my mother. She still looks after me by giving her love and affection. 

She is very brave and I feel that any challenge cannot defeat her. She is always there to protect me from every bad thing. After the god, I worship my mother. No matter what, she is the only heroine, I have ever met in this real world. Thank you mother for every sacrifice you have mad for me and forgiving my mistakes.

Are zoos good or bad for animals?

 Are zoos good or bad for animals?

A zoo is a place where they rear animals. It is a good and bad place for animals. Millions of people and tourists visit zoos each year. There are thousands of zoos all around the world. Sri Lanka has many zoos, but the most popular zoo is the Dehiwala Zoo. The zoo is a beautiful place which attracts foreigners. When a zoo attracts foreigners the country get foreign exchange. The first modern zoo was built in Paris, France in 1793. Named Tiergarten Schonbrunn, it was built by the Hapsburgs. The major purpose of a zoo is to rear animals and prevent animals from becoming extinct. There are many good and bad features of zoos. 

There are many good things about zoos. They are, for education, fun and for research. Zoos are good for education as children can learn about animals. The tour guides explain about animals to visitors. Zoos are fun as you could see animal circuses, elephant, chimpanzee, sea-lion and dolphin shows which are enjoyable. Zoos are very good for researchers as scientists could find about viruses, more about animals and special features of animals.

There are many threats to animals, today such as loss of habitats and families. Animals are also used as slaves. Animals lose their habitat because many animals live in forests and when they're brought to zoos their habitat changes and they don't feel at home. Many animals are brought to zoos at a very young age so they don't get to be with their families much and in zoos they treat them differently. Animals work hard especially when it comes to shows, dances and circuses. Many animals die from maltreatment. I feel zoos are bad for animals as animals are a gift from nature and we should protect them. Also, we should treat animals the way we would like to be treated as human beings.

Monday, March 6, 2023

A better future for everyone.

 A better future for everyone.

Anxiety here and there

Little children are running 

Without a purpose 

Let's practice from childhood

To do good

To avoid bad things

As soon as possible 

Let's read a book

Read a newspaper

Plant a plant

It will bring 

Happiness, knowledge and fun.

Essay on How I manage time.

 How I manage time.

As a student in the O/L class, I don't have time to waste. Some people say that time is gold. I don't agree with that, because we can buy a gold from a jewellery shop, but nobody can buy time from a shop or get it from a person. Therefore, time is more valuable than gold. Time is the most precious thing in the world. As students, we must make the maximum use of time. The most important thing is we must have a timetable or a plan to do our daily work. I hve my own timetable. I set a time limit for each and every activity.

Normally I work according to that timetable. Apart from that I prepare a list of work for that day. Usually, I finish my work today. I always think about my future and that I have a goal to achieve. I have realised that things can be done successfully if we manage time. I read only what is necessary during in my leisure. I control myself when using social media. I watch only programs which are suitable for students. I get up early and start my work. I never go to bed without completing my day's work. This is how I manage time.


Sunday, March 5, 2023

Short paragraphs on Bird Sanctuaries.

Bundala National Park. 


                                                                                 Bundala is well known as a preferred destination to see migratory birds in abundance. Home to scrub jungle, wetlands, lagoons, salt pans, sand dunes and a long stretch of coast, Bundala National Park's terrain is blessed with many faces of landscape in unison with unlimited yet protected fauna.

Known foe its incredible spectacles of migratory birds, the park is a great venue for bird enthusiasts. Glimpses of elephants are not as common as the crocodiles (estuarine as well as saltwater). Bundala is accessible via many coastal cities: Hambantota, Galle, Matara. Opportunities to visit the park span throughout the year, with December being the month for bird watching.

Vankalai Bird Sanctuary.

Vankalai bird sanctuary in the Mannar district, with its numerous bird species has been declared a sanctuary by the Department of Wild life Conservation. This sanctuary, partly a wetland, comprises Puliyantivu island, Tiruketiswaram, Pallimunai, Vankalai and the strips of land on either side of the causeway connecting the island of Mannar to the mainland.

Many birds including the very rare migrants the spot-billed Duck, the comb duck and the Gadwall; the rare migrant Long-toed stint and the uncommon migrants the Peregrine Falcon and the Common-ringed Plover have been spotted at Vankalai.

Kumana National Park.

Located in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka and spanning 35,664 hectares of forested land, Kumana National Park is the ideal location for wild life lovers for bird watching, particularly its large flocks of migratory waterfowl and wading birds. It has come to be considered one of the most important nesting and breeding grounds in the country with 255 bird species. All wildlife at the Kumana National Park as well as the extensive flora that grows there are supplied water by the Kumubukkan Oya that borders the western region of the park as well as the 200 hectares of mangrove swamp called Kumana Villu. The latter provides an excellent feeding and resting habitat to the various water birds that migrate to this place from April to July.

Chundikulam Bird Sanctuary.

The Chundikulam bird sanctuary is situated in the Northeastern coast of Sri Lanka. It is a scenic nesting spot for migratory birds. It plays a nurturing host to its many birds and immigrants, occupying a massive 49.2 sq km of the Jaffna peninsula. On visiting the park one can witness the
vast changes in topography within the premises that varies from stretches of jungles to sands of beaches and supports  a large array of flora and fauna. The park serves as breeding grounds for migratory birds that flock the skies of this region from November to mid-January. 

Phrasal verbs with meanings.

 Phrasal Verbs.

01. Succeed in - (to achieve something that you have been trying to get) Roy has finally succeeded in getting a job in a bank.

02. Suck into - (to make somebody gradually become involved in an unpleasant situation) The Government does not want to be sucked into another war.

03. Suck up to - (to try to make somebody who is in a position of authority like you by doing and saying things that will please them) Some employers suck up to their superiors to get promotions.

04. Sum up - (to describe briefly the most important facts of something) The purpose of a conclusion is to sum up the important points in the essay.

05. Summon up - (to try hard to find a particular quality in your self because you need it in order to do something) It took me some time to summon up the courage to question the principal.

06. Surge up - (if an emotion surges up, you suddenly experience it very strongly)  When Susan saw her child and overwhelming feeling of love surged up within her.

07. Swallow up - (if an organisation swallows up a large amount of money, it uses it) Salaries for public servants swallow up millions of rupees.

08. Swarm with - (if a place swarms with people, it is full of them) Sigiriya is swarming with tourists on holidays.

09. Swear by - (to believe that something is very effective) My sister swears by coriander for keeping colds away.

10. Swear in - (to make somebody promise to be honest or loyal during a trial in court) I was sworn in as a member of the jury. After the swearing-in ceremony the Minister delivered a speech.

11. Swear off - (to decide to stop using harmful substances) The teenager swear off drugs after the police raid.

12. Sweat out - (to exercise hard) Lionel sweats out in a large gym.

13. Sweat out of - (to make somebody tell you something by threatening them) The police sweated a confession out of the suspect.

14. Sweat over - (to work very hard at something and spend a lot of time) I really sweated over my thesis.

15. Sweep along - (if something sweeps you along, it makes you feel involved in an activity) I was swept along by her enthusiastic approach to the work.

16. Sweep aside - (to refuse to think about something says and to treat it as unimportant) My objections to the proposal were swept aside by the management.

17. Sweep away - (to get rid of  a system which is old-fashioned) Trade restrictions will be swept away by the new Government.

18. Sweep out - (to clean the floor of a room by using a brush to remove the dirt) I want to sweep out my room during the weekend.

Saturday, March 4, 2023

Essay on Food and nutrition's.

 Food and Nutrition.

Food is one of the main necessities in our day to day life. But the food we eat must also be nutritious. Therefore it is necessary that we plan the day's meal. A person requires a definite quantity of calories according to the needs of the work he does per day. The food we eat must also include a substantial ratio of proteins unlike other kinds of food substances cannot be replenished by the body from it's storage. The intake of vitamins of all kind is also necessary. Vitamin deficiency will cause diseases of various kinds. Therefore the food we take must contain in average all the ingredient nutrients that make a balanced diet.

Nutrition is so important that it has become a separate specialised branch of study. mainutrition and many diseases are caused by vitamin deficiency. A knowledge of the vitamin contents of the various foods is very necessary.  

Friday, March 3, 2023

Migratory birds visit Lanka.

 It is the migratory season, and birds from overseas are arriving to spend the winter months in Sri Lanka.

Bird migration is a source of fascination to bird lovers. Year after year, during the visiting season, these overseas callers are drawn to Sri Lanka, because of the island's geographical position, just below the southern tip of the Indian subcontinent. Sri Lanka is their final destination in their long journey from their homes on northern spheres.

Bird enthusiants go to the South coast, to places such as Bundala, Kumana, Kalamatiya Nature Reserve and in the North to places such as Vakanari in Mannar and Chundikulam in Jaffna to see migrant birds. The ringing exercise takes place four times a year, three during the migratory season and one in July. The three migratory season operations are conducted at the start of winter (September to October); in mid-winter (December to January), and the end of winter (March to April).

Short essay about The Cow.

  The Cow. The cow is a domestic animal. It feeds only on plants. Therefore it belongs to the herbivore family. The cow gives us milk. We dr...